How do I find only available hotels for the period I want to stay?
Once you have selected the dates of your stay, the option "Show only available hotels" is automatically selected. Then click on "search" and only hotels that have rooms available for those dates will be displayed. The "Show only available hotels" option is displayed under the check-in and check-out dates
How do I search for hotels by price?
After you select the dates of your stay, a list of available hotels appears. You can select a drop down menu at the left side of the top of the list labeled "sort by" which allows you to categorize the search either by; star rating, distance, popularity, cheapest room, cheapest double room or guest rating
After you select the dates
After you select the dates of your stay, a list of available hotels appears. You can select a drop down menu at the left side of the top of the list labeled "sort by" which allows you to categorize the search either by; star rating, distance, popularity, cheapest room, cheapest double room or guest rating